
in Science and Engineering

Promoting & Advocating
for Female Involvement in STEM Fields


Inspiring the Next Generation of Women

Educating on the Importance of Female Representation

Collaborating with Others Sharing the Same Goals

What We've Been Up To...

  • DWI, BWI & EngSci Day


    Our goal is to enhance students’ professional knowledge and networking skills in a positive setting by exposing them to new career possibilities and encouraging conversation and interaction with academic and industry guests.

  • ESO, HSO, EngSci Day & Badge Day


    WiSE works with young women and girls in the community to educate them on the multitude of possible careers in STEM fields and inspire them to explore science and engineering.

  • Become a Mentor or Mentee!


    Inquire, Collaborate, Initiate, and Foster.

    Easing the transition from high school to undergraduate studies, undergraduate education to industry and/or postgraduate studies.

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